Friday, June 5, 2015


Condie, Ally. Crossed. Book 2 of the Matched series. 2011. 367p. ISBN 0-525-42365-6. Available at FIC CON on the library shelves.

Following her exile from her comfortable life in Matched, Cassia has only one plan in mind. She must reunite with Ky in the Outer Provinces. But so far all of her work assignments have kept her in the Border Provinces. On the night of yet another transfer, she is visited by Xander, who comes on their 5th month anniversary from the banquet. He tells her he still loves her, and part of Cassia is still attracted to the familiar.  But when she gets the chance that night to transfer to the Outer Provinces, she takes it and boards an airship with Indie, a girl she’s met in the work camp.

Ky, meanwhile, has been sent as a soldier decoy in a farming village in the Outer Provinces. His job, and that of the fellow decoys, is simple. He simply must survive as long as possible in border villages that are under constant attack by unknown assailants. Given the opportunity, he escapes towards the Carving, a series of canyons and mountain passes. But he does not go alone. Vick and Eli, two soldiers from his unit, accompany him on their impossible quest for freedom.

Immediately upon arriving in the border camps, Cassia meets a boy who has seen Ky. Given directions, she escapes with the boy and Indie towards the Carving, seeking both to reunite with Ky and join the Rising, the rebellion taking place against the Society. Devoted to Ky now, Cassia hopes to find Ky, but time is running out for both of them. What has the Society prepared for them in the canyons?

The story continues in Reached.

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