The trial by pledge requested by Tenjin cost him one of his shinkis, while the Heavens lost one of their treasured shinkis. Noragami, Vol. 18 ends on the cliffhanger of the third part of the trial by pledge, with a head rolling. Noragami, Vol. 19 begins with the revelation that the Heavens lost the third and final part of the trial by pledge, demonstrating that Yato has been deemed not guilty and is therefore to be freed. Yukiné is expulsed from his imprisonment in the box, and the whole group is reunited at Kofuku's place to celebrate.
With Yukiné's death date coming soon, Yato decides he will honor it in style by throwing a flash mob dance, so he gets the whole gang, including Takemikazuchi and his shinki Kiun. But not all things are back to normal. Kazuma, for once, has disappeared and is not attending to Bishamon's recovery. Everyone wonders where he went. And Yukiné himself stings Yato when he is reunited with the Stray and kisses her. Does he love her, or is she messing with her mind, furthering the Crafter's plans for his battle against the gods of Heaven?