Thursday, February 16, 2017

Wink Poppy Midnight

Tucholke, April Genevieve. Wink Poppy Midnight. Dial Books. 2016. 256p. ISBN 978-0803740488. Available at FIC TUC on the library shelves.

Poppy was Midnight’s first love. But Poppy did not love Midnight. Not then, when they first met and not now, when their relationship has gotten to the breaking point. Poppy doesn’t love anyone. She is toxic, a beautiful girl but the biggest bully in their little town, ruling over a group of vicious boys and girls known as the Yellows. Still, Midnight loved her, despite all that. But not anymore. Now he only wants to get as far away from her as possible. But like a virulent disease, Poppy keeps coming back and messing with him.

So when Midnight and his father move to a house outside of town, he hopes that the distance will be enough to keep Poppy and her lackeys away. Across the gravel road from their new house is the Bell household, led by a single mother with so many kids it’s impossible to get an accurate count. Wink is the second eldest Bell, and she is everything Poppy is not: red head, quiet, in tune with her environment, a loner. And she seems very much interested in Midnight. Until Poppy shows up, ready to ruin this new relationship. Can Midnight stop Poppy before it’s too late?

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