Monday, February 20, 2017

Careers in the US Coast Guard

Silverstein Gray, Judy and Taylor Baldwin Kiland. Careers in the US Coast Guard. Part of the Careers in the US Armed Forces series. 2016. 128p. ISBN 978-0-7660-6945-9. Available at 363.28 GRA on the library shelves.

The Coast Guard is tasked with protecting the shores of the United States, but its mission extends far beyond the water’s edges. Among its many missions, the Coast Guard performs search and rescue missions, conducts ship and cargo inspections, and leads cleanup efforts during environmental disasters.First started as a way to generate revenues for the new federal government, the Revenue Cutter Service is appointed to cut down on smuggling and recoup excise taxes. Tasks, such as building and manning lighthouses continued to be added throughout the decades as technology changed. The Coast Guard joined the war effort of several conflicts, from the Quasi War with France in the early 1800s to the First and Second World War and present conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.

This book provides a detailed introduction to the history of the Coast Guard. It also discusses its various roles in protecting the homeland in an era of global terrorism and performing search and rescue missions after Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy. The various challenges faced by the Coast Guard are reviewed, its equipment is introduced, and life as a member of the Coast Guard is explored. A number of career possibilities are described and include both the enlisted and officer path. Anyone interested in joining the Coast Guard will appreciate the range of material available in this book.

Titles in this series include:

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