Monday, December 15, 2014

The Quality of Numbers 1 to 31

Held, Wolfgang. The Quality of Numbers 1 to 31. 2012. 141p. ISBN 0863158641. Available as an eBook on Overdrive.

Numbers are all around us, and we observe and use them every day. Yet, we don’t really stop to think of what number actually mean. In this short book, Held describes the numbers 1 through 31 and relates them to mathematical principles as well as their presence in the world. From the duality of two, to the power of five fingers to grab an object, to the time represented by the number 7 (7 days a week, roughly four times seven days in a month), each number is special.

Held provides a concise summary of each number from one to thirty-one, and discusses how each of these numbers relate to others, and what their inherent meaning is. As our world rotates on its axis in 24 hours, and as we use 26 letters in our alphabet, each number shares a harmony with us that can be discovered when scratching the surface.

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