Delilah and Selim have been traveling for two years since we last saw them in Delilah Dirk and the Turkish Lieutenant. They participated in many adventures, but at the moment they find themselves in Portugal, helping a friend of Delilah's family retrieve their grandson from the deadly obsessions of the boy's father. Bent on defending his estate against French and British invaders during the Napoleonic Wars, he has lost the sight that his child is not interested in war.
With this mission accomplished, Delilah plans on heading down to Southern Spain to explore some recently discovered ruins. Selim, however, wishes they could visit London, the mighty city he has heard so much about. These plans are quashed when the two of them encounter Red Coats, led by Major Merrick. Convinced he captured a French spy, he bring Delilah to his father, Colonel Merrick, who recognizes Delilah, and determines she's not a spy. Major Merrick decides to implicate her anyway, and he plants some evidence.
Forced to arrest Delilah and send her back to England, Colonel Merrick entrusts her to his son, who's heading back to London to recruit more soldiers for his regiment. Major Merrick has other ideas, however, and plans on executing her. Delilah and Selim manage to escape, but Merrick swears to ruin Delilah's hero reputation back in England. Delilah and Selim have no choice. They must head to England so our heroine can avenge herself. However, not only will she have to contend with the Major, she will also need to deal with ... her fierce mother!
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