Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Redworld: Year One

Collins, A.L. Redworld: Year One. 2018. 318p. ISBN 978-1-62370-986-0. Available at FIC COL on the library shelves.

Life on Earth is hard, so when an opportunity presents itself, the Songs make the move to Mars, where colonization only started in earnest a few decades back. Unfortunately, upon their arrival the promised jobs have vanished, and Belle is hopeful her parents will agree to return to Earth and reunited her with her friends. Unfortunately, her parents have other ideas. They purchase a farm on the edge of Martian civilization, where the land is rough and deadly, but where life is relatively cheap.

Once there, they discover that the weather is anything but predictable, and there is never enough water to go around. Her school is much different from that on Earth, with a focus on agriculture and surviving the Red Planet. She also meets two new alien races, the Sulux and the Nabians. These don’t get along with each other, so when Belle makes friends with Luke and with Ta’al, their rivalry creates tensions in Belle’s friendships.

When Water Raiders attack the Song farm and steal their water, Belle knows she must fight back. Could her science projects from Earth and her unlikely friendships help save her family’s livelihood? A great science fiction read, fans of action and adventure will appreciate this appealing storyline where friendship can defeat all.

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