Tuesday, October 27, 2020


Hawkins, Rachel. Royals. 2018. 296p. 482 mins. ISBN 978-0-525-63200-9. Available as an audiobook from Overdrive.

Daisy has looked forward to her summer trip with her best friend all year. Unfortunately her family has to uproot when her perfect sister announces her engagement to the Crown Prince of Scotland. For someone like Daisy, being in the spotlight of the tabloids, newspapers and social media is almost as bad has having to abandon her Florida home to find herself in a dreary world of rich and idle teens.

Daisy is then matched with Miles, the Crown Prince's younger brother, in the hopes that he can quickly teach her how the court works. Miles, however, finds himself in trouble more often than not, and he regals the tabloids with his antics. Along for the ride, Daisy finds herself becoming the source of scandals, which distracts from her sister's upcoming wedding. Can Daisy regain control over her precarious situation at court and become the lady everyone expects her to be, or will she be able to tear out the royal rulebook and remain her quirky self?

A delightful romance set in a fictionally independent Scotland, Daisy and Miles dance around each other throughout the book, not exactly sure where each other stands. Their fears and hopes are realistic and easily relatable, even if the setting is not. Fans of rom-com will enjoy this easy read.


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