In a few short months, Charlie is leaving middle school and heading to high school. Her favorite class in 8th grade is Mr. K's music class. Her best friends, Addie, Rachel, and Mayin are also in the class with her. Mr. K. enthusiastically presents the world of music, and asks each student to find the song that inspires them and that represents their life. For the rest of the year, Charlie and her classmates will be exploring different music genres, trying to find the song that defines them.
Charlie is not sure what music most represents her, and she finds it difficult to concentrate when Emile, a quiet student, is in the same class as her. She breaks out sweating whenever he talks to her. Emile has not been the same since Luka disappeared from their music class. Luka moved in the area a few months ago and immediately struck the school as eccentric. When Luka declared his love for Emile in front of the music class, the laughter that resulted drove him out and he hasn't come back since.
As she searches for her song, Charlie comes across Maria Callas, an operatic singer from the 1940s to the 1960s. Maria Callas was not appreciated by her schoolmates, but she ignored her detractors and achieved her goal of being an opera singer. She transformed herself into a glamorous woman and lit up many theatres throughout her career. Even at the height of her skills, however, she had detractors that found her voice lacking. Charlie relates to Maria's story, and is moved by her music. She has now found her song.
With only a few weeks left and a performance in front of the school, can Charlie manage to reunite Emile and Luka, help her friend Addie with her anxiety, and learn some truth about herself in the process?
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