In 1977, a serial killer is plying the streets of New York, looking for victims. Nora Lopez is seventeen, and she doesn't think she's going to survive another year in the city. The winter was colder than average. The summer was sweltering. Power failed and blackout roiled the city. But at home Nora must contend with a single mother whose hours are being cut, a brother who hooked up with a criminal gang, and a distant father who remarried and consistently forgets to send a child support check. Nora's mother doesn't recognize that her son has issues, and refuses to seek help as she hopes he will grow out of it. With all of the bad things happening in her life, Nora sure can't tell Kathleen, her best friend, about how bad her life really is right now.
Lucky for her, there's a bright spot in her life. She works at Sanerlo's Deli, where the owners treat her well, and the new employee is both cute and in college. Soon, Nora connects with Pablo, but just like Kathleen, she can't afford to let him know the real her and burden him with what's happening at home.
As the serial killer, dubbed Son of Sam by the media, is still out there, searching for victims, Hector continues his life of petty vandalism and escalates to pyromania, which endangers all of the residents of the building, and threatens her relationship with Pablo. Faced with an impossible choice between her brother and her life, Nora will need to decide whether it's time to fan the flames or extinguish the fire.
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