September 11, 2001 was a failure of imagination on the part of the government. The very idea that people would hurl plans into buildings had never been entertained. Though there were many instances where the hijackers could have been thwarted, the various intelligence and law enforcement organizations did not share their information and therefore did not connect the dots in time. In the following months and years, new agencies were created, laws were passed, and a commission was created to investigate what had happened.
This book turns the 9/11 Commission's Report into a graphic novel. It relates the history that led to the terrorist attacks. It reviews what was known before September 11, who knew it, and how the dots could have been connected. The principal protagonists are presented, and the reaction of the United States in the months after the World Trade Center Towers fell. Fans of history will appreciate the details the illustrators used to recreate an otherwise dry government report, and will gain a new understanding of why 9/11 remains important in the nation's psyche.
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