Friday, February 18, 2022


 Lu, Marie. Legend. Book 1 of the Legend series. 2011. 305p. ISBN 9780399256752. Available at FIC LU on the library shelves and as an audiobook from Overdrive.

Legend book cover

June is the only teen to score a perfect 1500 on the Republic's grueling entrance examination, granting her a life of privilege and wealth as one of the elite members of society. Her brother Metias, a captain in the Republic's armed forces, was proud of her for accomplishing such a feat, and she looks forward to following in his footsteps.

Day failed the entrance examination, and he has been on the run ever since. Considered a terrorist by the Republic, but scorned by the Patriots who are in open rebellion for failing to join them, Day navigates between the two factions, hoping to keep his brothers safe. When his younger brother contracts the plague, Day is forced to break into the hospital to acquire the vaccine that will help him recover.

During the daring mission, Day is confronted by Metias, the officer in command of the hospital's protection, and Metias ends up stabbed to death, while Day barely escapes with his life. Filled with rage, June vows to track down the fugitive and bring him to justice. But what if it wasn't Day who actually killed her brother? As she begins to uncover more information following Day's arrest, she discovers that the Republic is implicated in a secret conspiracy so vast no one would ever believe her. But Day would. As his execution nears, June must make a difficult choice. Renounce her life of wealth and certainty by helping Day escape, or respect order by siding with those who killed her brother. There's only one choice ...

Two engaging characters discover each other in this dystopian novel. Both of them are realistically portrayed and experience doubt and conflicting emotions. The supporting cast of characters help propel the story forward. Fans of the underdog will gobble up this story.

The story continues in Prodigy.

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