Monday, March 28, 2022

Sapiens: A Graphic History, Vol. 1

Harari, Yuval Noah. Sapiens: A Graphic History. Vol 1, the Birth of Humankind. 2020. 248p. ISBN 9780063055087. Available at 599.9 HAR on the library shelves.

Much of what we know about the early humans has been surmised from archeological records and fossilized evidence. The first humans did not leave behind books or movies to explain what they believed, how they lived, or what they feared. We have tantalizing hints based on what has been discovered, but our past remains shrouded in mystery. And much of what we have learned about the ancient humans has now been proven to be wrong. 

In this graphic novel adaptation of his popular book Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, the reader explores the ways in which humans probably evolved. What was once six different species of humans eventually saw the rise of Homo Sapien as the only human species on the planet. Whether through war, diseases, competition, or environmental catastrophe, the other types of humans disappeared over millenia, leaving Sapiens dominant. Despite claims to the contrary, humans have shaped their environment since the dawn of time, building for themselves the Earth we know today. 

Fans of evolution and those wondering where we came from will appreciate this illustrated history of our ancient family, the impacts we have had on the world, and where we may yet be going.

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