Monday, September 19, 2022

This Book Betrays My Brother

 Molope, Kagiso Lesego. This Book Betrays My Brother.  2012. 208p. ISBN 9780199059225. 

South Africa remains a land of contrasts, with a majority Black population still suffering from decades of White domination. Naledi was born in a family of girls. There hasn't been a male in her family until the birth of her brother, who is three years older. Basi, Naledi's brother, was destined for great things, or so everyone said. Her parents had risen in social class thanks to an enterprising spirit, and their ownership of a grocery store allowed them to move out of the center of town and to the outskirts, where walls are tall to protect one's privacy. 

Naledi has always been impressed with her brother, and sought to spend as much time together as they could. Free to roam the neighborhood, Basi would regal her with tales of the boys' adventures, including the day they found a dead body. Basi and Naledi shared a common bond against their overly strict parents, and they worked together to ensure they had as much freedom as possible.

Now 13, Naledi is growing up. She's always been interested in boys, but now she's even more interested. When Kitsano invites her to a school dance, Basi allies with her and forces their parents' hand, allowing Naledi to attend. Preparing for the dance and thinking about what may come next has Naledi all excited.

But then she stumbles upon her brother raping his girlfriend at a party. Suddenly, everything she thought she knew about him crumbles into ashes. Her brother the protector, the defender of innocence, has betrayed everything that he stands for. Faced with this secret, Naledi must decide whether loyalty to a friend or loyalty to family is more important in the name of justice...

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