Friday, December 16, 2022

Pinheads and Patriots: Where You Stand in the Age of Obama

O'Reilly, Bill. Pinheads and Patriots: Where You Stand in the Age of Obama. 2010. 288p. ISBN 9780062010605. 

Every person can be a pinhead or a patriot, sometimes at the same time, but most often each individual tends towards one side of the spectrum over the other. Designed as a critique of the presidency of Barack Obama, O'Reilly examines several factors that, according to him, make the 43rd president mainly a pinhead, though he does acknowledge that the president also has strengths. From bungling the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to pushing through Obamacare, O'Reilly compares Obama to other presidents and scrutinizes these decisions before claiming that they are hurting the country.

O'Reilly also takes aim at other presidents and influential historical figures, however, and dissects their performances as being more pinhead or patriot. Presidents who did not hesitate to use the machinery of government to improve America are considered patriots, while those who, in O'Reilly's view undermined it are pinheads. Though leaning conservative, the author's point of view are grounded in historical facts.

Fans of history will appreciate this early look at the Obama presidency, and can, with the passage of time, decide for themselves whether Obama was a pinhead or a patriot.

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