Thursday, January 23, 2025

Blue Exorcist, Vol. 16

Kato, Kazue. Blue Exorcist, Vol. 16. 2016. 218p. ISBN 9781421590417. Available in the graphic novels section of the library.

Blue Exorcist Vol. 16 book cover

Following the revelation that Shima was a double, or maybe triple agent in Blue Exorcist, Vol. 15, he has rejoined the Knights and the students at True Cross Academy. Following their battle with the Illuminati and recovering from her injuries, Shura suggests the whole crew take a trip to the baths to relax. With the girls and the boys separated, Shima decides he's going to spy on the girls. Rin wants nothing to do with that plan, but in the process of stopping Shima, the wall separating the two genders collapses, revealing the boys in all of their glory!

Yukio continues to struggle with his secret, a strange fire present in his eyes and a presence that saved him when his life was threatened. Seeking to recreate the circumstances that released whatever possesses him, Yukio puts himself into bad situations, hoping to face enough danger. 

Meanwhile, the leaders of the Knights of the True Cross meet in the Vatican, and they determine that the training of the new Exwires should be sped up to ensure they are available when the conflict with the Illuminati gets worse. Lewin Light, master of lightning, is thus sent to Japan to help train the Exwires. And Bon is determined to become his apprentice ...

The story continues in Blue Exorcist, Vol. 17.

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