Thursday, September 10, 2015

The Heir

Cass, Kiera. The Heir. 2015. 342p. ISBN 978-0062349859. Available at FIC CAS on the library shelves.

When America Singer competed in The Selection and managed to conquer Prince Maxon’s heart, she did not realize she would change history. With the death of Maxon’s parents, the king and queen of Illéa in The One, she ascended the throne and became Maxon’s queen

Twenty years later, the country has changed. The caste numbers have been eliminated, and massive programs have taken place to allow people freedom of choice to live their lives how ever they wanted. The king and queen have had four children, including oldest twins Eadlyn and Aaron. As the firstborn (7 minutes before her brother), Eadlyn will inherit the throne.

At eighteen, Eadlyn is not in any hurry to unite her life with a husband. Unrest in the country lead her parents to suggest to her that it would be a good show of unity if she were to participate in her own selection. After much arguing she gets Maxon to agree that she doesn’t have to marry any of the candidates.

With the heavy responsibility of the crown soon to be hers, Princess Eadlyn must play the part and pretend to be interested in the three dozen boys who have been selected. Unlike her parents’ love that grew out of meeting during their selection, Eadlyn expects nothing, and in fact would rather not share even a sliver of herself. But as the selection proceeds and the stakes mount, Eadlyn finds that even when your mind is dead set against falling in love, her heart may not agree...

A companion book, Happily Ever After, features several novellas about beloved characters from the series.

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