Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The Raven King

Stiefwater, Maggie. The Raven King. Book 4 and final book of the Raven Cycle. 437p. ISBN 9780545424981. Available at FIC STI on the library shelves.

The Raven Boys are nearing the end of their quest for Glendower and the secrets of Cabeswater. Gansey, their leader, has sought Glendower because the legends state that he who finds and wakes the ancient Welsh king will be granted a favor. And Gansey desperately needs that favor, since his death has been foretold for sometimes this year.

As the search becomes more desperate, the very existence of Cabeswater becomes threatened. Having released a demon from the black caves of Cabeswater, Blue and Gansey continue to fall in love with each other and wonder: Will the fatal kiss Blue will give her lover be the cause of Gansey’s death? The quest proceeds apace as old villains and new enemies make their way to Henrietta for the magical sale of the century.

Ronan meanwhile seeks to discover the true nature of his dreams and of the objects, and, more frightful, creatures he brings back. Adam pursues his exploration of what it means to be a man, and must deal with Blue and Gansey’s relationship. Noah, for his part, begins fading as the strength of Cabeswater dissipates under the demon’s assault. As dreams turn into nightmares under the demon’s assault, Blue and the boys will discover that love sometimes takes a surprising form, but that loving eventually means losing someone. The path that they have travelled on will lead them to a place they never envisioned...

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