Hill, Joe and Gabriel Rodriguez. Locke & Key, Vol. 4: Keys to the Kingdom. 2015. 152p. 978-1600108860.

With Zach still lurking and searching for the keys, Tyler, Kinsey and Bode are continuously besieged by horrors and monsters. With most of these events happening during the weekend, Tyler is slowly coming to the realization that Zach is somehow involved, since he's supposedly away in Boston doing research during this time. Bode finds a key that allows him to transform into an animal, and he becomes a bird. Zach uses the same door, and becomes a wolf that then attacks the family out in the woods.
A contemporary of the Locke children's father lives in the local asylum, and Kinsey is convinced she knows something, since her name was on the list found in an underground sea cave. Using a mirror found by Bode, she transforms into an African-American teen, and makes her way to the asylum. Unfortunately that woman also recognized Zach, and he uses one of the keys to enter her room, stumbling on Kinsey. Kinsey discovers that Dodge is an actual person.
Tyler breaks up with Jordan after finding another guy in her bed. Kinsey has a fallout with her friends after using the memory key to get in their heads. Rufus comes over to play with Bode but meets an unfriendly ghost and tells Bode that Zach Wells is the enemy. Uncle Duncan's boyfriend emerges from a coma and tells Tyler enough information to cast even more suspicion on Zach.
With the cops snooping around, and the Locke children putting more clues together, Zach is forced to make a deadly move ...
oe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez's Locke & Key unwinds into its fourth volume in Keys to the Kingdom. With more keys making themselves known, and the depths of the Locke family's mystery ever-expanding, Dodge's desperation to end his shadowy quest drives the inhabitants of Keyhouse ever closer to a revealing conclusion.
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