Friday, May 13, 2022

Polluted Waters

Stefanow, Jennifer. Polluted Waters. Part of the Green Alert! series. 2004. 48p. ISBN 978-0-7398-7016-5. Available at 363.739 STE on the library shelves.

Water is essential for life, yet in many parts of the world there isn't enough clean water available. Only 3% of the water on the planet is fresh water, and most of this is locked up in thick sheets of ice at both poles. Of the water that's left, humans have successfully managed to pollute most of it through agricultural and industrial activities. Water pollution takes several forms, from chemical pollutants like oil spills and agricultural run-offs to biological pollutants like invasive species. Some of these naturally occur, but most of them are due to human activities. Dead water zones where nothing can live have appears at the mouth of major rivers, and many lakes have been affected by acid rains, causing the plants and animals that live there to die off. As citizens of the world, it is our responsibility to ensure that our water is clean and to preserve our waterways for future generations.

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