Tobin, Paul and Joe Querio. The Witcher, Vol. 2: Fox Children. 2014. 136p. ISBN 9781616557935.

Looking for transport to Novigrad, Geralt the Witcher and his dwarven friend Addario book passage on a ship heading for that city. The passengers, led by Mr. Fysh, happen to be on a secret mission. At first glance it appears they have been hired to retrieve a child that has been kidnapped by a vulpess, a fox imbued with intelligence, the ability to transform into a human, and the cunning skills of a master illusionist. Unfortunately for the group, they were unable to find the child, so instead they captured another vulpess child and are bringing that creature back to Novigrad to collect the reward. Geralt knows this is a really bad idea, but since the ship is already underway, it is too late for him and Addario to get off.
As they sail down the river, the crew soon becomes aware that the mother vulpess is trailing them. Soon the ship and its crew finds itself hopelessly lost in the swamp, and dangerous illusions begin to play havoc on the dim-witted crew members. Sometimes, however, the real monsters are not the creatures out there in the swamp, but those on the ship ...
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