Thursday, January 30, 2025

Naruto, Vol. 20: Naruto vs. Sasuke

Kishimoto, Masashi. Naruto, Vol. 20: Naruto vs. Sasuke. 2007. 192p. ISBN 9781421516554. Available in the graphic novels section of the library.

Naruto, Vol. 20 book cover

Having returned to the village with Lady Tsunade in Naruto, Vol. 19, Naruto is reunited with Sakura and Sasuke. Sasuke is still angry with his injuries, and despite all of her efforts, Sakura is rejected time and again. When he sees Naruto, Sasuke, who's still weak, stands up and tells Naruto that they will settle their differences once and for all. On the roof of the hospital, both ninjas fight to injure and kill, not to demonstrate their abilities. Kakashi, who was also hurt, intervenes, and lectures both on the value of friendship. Sasuke, who's still bent on getting revenge, angrily departs.

Unfortunately for him, Orichimaru has dispatched the Sound Four to capture the boy and bring him back so he can convince him to join his fight. Outnumbered, Sasuke is cornered and must fight to survive.

Meanwhile, Lee also must fight to survive. His injuries are so severe that Tsunade tell him the risks are too great to heal him, and Lee should give up on his dream of becoming a ninja. Determined to fight to the end, Lee discusses the situation with Master Guy, who agrees with Lee that the surgery that could kill him is the only way to go ...

The story continues in Naruto, Vol. 21: Pursuit.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Perfect Girl

Banghart, Tracy. Perfect Girl. 2024. 304p. ISBN 9781250902863.

Perfect Girl book cover

Unlike her brother, Jessa has always been the perfect girl. She follows all of the rules and is as straight-laced as can be. Her life is laid out in front of her, and everyone knows she will be a lawyer someday. Her brother Josh is the troublemaker in the family, and he's always in trouble. Jessa has had her eyes on Ryan, Josh's best friend, but fearing rejection, she refuses to even approach him. 

Over the last few months, several girls have gone missing in the next state. As her parents are attending the opera in town that evening and not returning until the morning, Jesse convinces them to let her invite her friends and have a sleepover, even if they are not here. Josh will be staying with Ryan. Jesse knows they don't need to worry about her or her friends Kellen, Alexis, and Tiny making trouble or breaking things, but Josh has previously left them with a lasting impression of a party gone bad. 

The four girls gather together for a Buffy the Vampire Slayer marathon, only to experience a loss of power due to a thunderstorm. Josh and Ryan return to the house after getting into a fight with Ryan's parents. Jesse and Ryan are sent to the gas station down the street to call the utility and report the outage. On the ride, Jesse discovers that Ryan likes her but has promised Josh he would not date her out of respect for their friendship. When they come back, the house is empty and dark. 

Looking for her friends, Jesse finds Alexis passed out on the road. She is rescued by David, a senior who lives in the next house down the street. She soon finds herself inside with Alexis, as David's mother, a nurse, ministers to her hurt friend. But all is not well, as she quickly discovers David's creepy side and his mother's insane desire to find him the best wife. Caught in David's trap, Jesse must devise a plan to escape a killer and rescue her friends from certain death.

Perfect Girl is a great mystery, with the killer next door. The characters are realistic, and even if the plot is overly complicated, it is still an entertaining read!

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

A History of Air Warfare

Olson, John Andrea. A History of Air Warfare. 2010. 522p. ISBN 9781597974400.

A History of Air Warfare book cover

A History of Air Warfare is a comprehensive anthology that explores the evolution of air power in military conflicts throughout the 20th and 21st centuries. Featuring contributions from leading military experts, this book examines a series of key campaigns that marked the field of air warfare, analyzing the objectives, events, and key players involved. Each essay meticulously scrutinizes the role of air power within the broader strategic and operational context of a military engagement or campaign, considering the interplay between political factors and military operations. It concludes with a broader analysis of air and space power in both conventional and unconventional warfare, offering valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of air power across different historical periods.

Beyond a simple celebration of air power, A History of Air Warfare offers a critical and even-handed assessment of its role in military history. It highlights the challenges of joint and coalition warfare, making it a valuable resource for scholars of modern warfare, and air power specialists. Readers who enjoy military history will appreciate the descriptive nature of this book and the thorough analysis of the impact of air power on modern warfare.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Blue Exorcist, Vol. 16

Kato, Kazue. Blue Exorcist, Vol. 16. 2016. 218p. ISBN 9781421590417. Available in the graphic novels section of the library.

Blue Exorcist Vol. 16 book cover

Following the revelation that Shima was a double, or maybe triple agent in Blue Exorcist, Vol. 15, he has rejoined the Knights and the students at True Cross Academy. Following their battle with the Illuminati and recovering from her injuries, Shura suggests the whole crew take a trip to the baths to relax. With the girls and the boys separated, Shima decides he's going to spy on the girls. Rin wants nothing to do with that plan, but in the process of stopping Shima, the wall separating the two genders collapses, revealing the boys in all of their glory!

Yukio continues to struggle with his secret, a strange fire present in his eyes and a presence that saved him when his life was threatened. Seeking to recreate the circumstances that released whatever possesses him, Yukio puts himself into bad situations, hoping to face enough danger. 

Meanwhile, the leaders of the Knights of the True Cross meet in the Vatican, and they determine that the training of the new Exwires should be sped up to ensure they are available when the conflict with the Illuminati gets worse. Lewin Light, master of lightning, is thus sent to Japan to help train the Exwires. And Bon is determined to become his apprentice ...

The story continues in Blue Exorcist, Vol. 17.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Spy School Goes Wild

Gibbs, Stuart. Spy School Goes Wild. Book 12 of the Spy School series. 2024. 320p. ISBN 9781665934770. 

Spy School Goes Wild book cover

Following their Alaskan adventure in Spy School Goes North, the spy trainees return to their facility in Alaska. When the Principal of their former school arrives on the island with a secret mission only for Ben, the other recruits and the adults are puzzled, but orders are orders. Ben takes off with the Principal, after an angry parting with Erica. 

On the plane, Ben discovers that the mission is in fact a kidnapping, and that the Principal is in league with Murray to deliver him to the criminal Shang family boss, who is still smarting from his humiliation at the hands of young Ben earlier in the series. Unfortunately for Murray, the Principal betrayed them both, as Shang also wants Murray. The two of them soon find themselves slave laborers in a mine in Botswana, but not before Shang reveals he has plans. Actual architectural plans, for the largest diamond heist in history.

Forced to collaborate with Murray, Ben successfully escapes Shang, only to be betrayed again by Murray. Fortunately, Spy School is not far behind, and together with the crew, Ben will try to stop Shang from inflicting an ecological disaster on the area, and prevent him from despoiling the natural riches of Botswana!

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Tales of Ancient Egypt: Myths & Adventures from the Land of the Pyramids

Cook, Hugo. Tales of Ancient Egypt: Myths & Adventures from the Land of the Pyramids. 2024. 160p. ISBN 9781684493807.

Tales of Ancient Egypt: Myths & Adventures from the Land of the Pyramids

Tales of Ancient Egypt is a captivating journey through the rich history of the ancient civilization of Egypt. Moving beyond the familiar story of Tutankhamun, this book delves into a wealth of lesser-known tales, including the daring escape of Cleopatra to meet Julius Caesar and the Cinderella-like tale of a peasant girl who married the pharaoh. The book seamlessly blends historical accounts with fascinating myths, offering a vibrant tapestry of love, betrayal, and royal intrigue.

Beyond the engaging narratives, Tales of Ancient Egypt provides valuable insights into Egyptian history and culture. Readers will learn about the construction of pyramids, the intricate process of mummification, and the role of gods and goddesses in ancient Egyptian society. With its engaging storytelling, meticulous research, and stunning visual presentation, this book is an great introduction to ancient Egypt for young readers, sparking their curiosity and inspiring further exploration.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Maximum Ride, the Manga, Vol. 4

Patterson, James and NaRae Lee. Maximum Ride, the Manga, Vol. 4. 2011. 240p. ISBN 9780759529700. Available in the graphic novels section of the library.

Maximum Ride, the Manga, Vol. 4 book cover

The stability that the flock has gained since Maximum Ride, the Manga, Vol. 3 as they've been living with Anne has been helpful. They've been eating regularly, getting exercise, and even learning at school. But Max is antsy. She feels like it's time to go and not stick around too much longer. Erasers know they're here, and Iggy and Gassy keep bringing explosives to school, getting themselves in trouble. Plus, they're still trying to find more information about their parents, and Nudge comes up with a possibility to break the code. Unfortunately that doesn't pan out, and they're back to square one.

Hunting through the school, they discover that it has only be recently converted into a school, and it seems set up to trick them into a sense of normalcy. Another confrontation with  Ari forces Max's hand, and she tells the flock they have to move. But all of them want to stay, so they can enjoy their first Thanksgiving. A report on television reveal Iggy's parents, who reported he was kidnapped 14 years ago. Iggy is finally reunited with them, only to find out his parents see him as their ticket to wealth.

When the school turns out to be part of the experiment for Max and the rest of the flock, she's not surprised, but when Jeb informs her that Anne is the lead on the project, Max feels betrayed. Fleeing, the flock heads towards Florida, but Max is captured, and a copy replaces her, leading the flock into another trap ...

The story continues in Maximum Ride, the Manga, Vol. 5.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Impossible Creatures

Rundell, Katherine. Impossible Creatures. Book 1 of the Impossible Creatures series. 2024. 368p. ISBN 9780593809860.

Impossible Creatures book cover

Christopher loves to visit his grandfather, on the edge of the world, but he's often been warned not to wander by the lake. Disobeying his grandfather's wishes, Christopher visits the lake, only to find a magical creature struggling in the water. Jumping in, Christopher rescues a baby griffin, something that occurs only in fantasy. Yet the baby is here. Christopher is interrupted by a scrapping young girl who has been nursing the griffin and has been on the run since a murderer killed her grandmother. Introducing herself as Mal, the girl tells Christopher that the griffin comes from the Archipelagoes, a world of islands off the coast where magic still exists. But the magical tree that sustains it all is dying for an unknown reason.

Pursued by the murderer, Christopher and Mal embark on a dangerous adventure to discover what is ailing the tree and rescue the magical creatures that dwell in the Archipelagoes from certain death. Making friends along the way, the two children sail from one island to the next, piercing the mystery of the Immortal and the invader that has attacked the tree. Filled with challenges, Christopher and Mal must outsmart their opponents and save magic so that a world that desperately needs it can survive!

Fans of amazingly well written fantasy books like The Golden Compass or The Hobbit will thoroughly enjoy the world building and the memorable characters of Impossible Creatures. Christopher and Mal are both realistic, with relatable emotions and conversations at appropriate developmental levels. The story is engaging, and the magic does not overwhelm the challenges faced by the characters. If you love fantasy, you will love this book!

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Running the Room: The Teacher's Guide to Behavior

Bennett, Tom. Running the Room: The Teacher's Guide to Behavior. 2020. 346p. ISBN 9781913622145.

Running the Room examines the crucial role positive classroom behavior plays in fostering successful learning environments. Effective behavior management is not about punishment, but rather about teaching and cultivating essential social and emotional skills in students. It highlights the importance of creating a calm and respectful classroom where all students feel valued and supported. Recognizing that every child comes to the classroom with unique experiences and needs, teachers must devise a tailored approach to behavior management.

Running the Room provides teachers with practical, evidence-based strategies and techniques for creating a positive classroom culture. Drawing on the expertise of educators worldwide, it offers valuable insights and guidance on building strong relationships with students, establishing clear expectations, and implementing effective classroom routines. By emphasizing the importance of viewing behavior as a curriculum, the book empowers teachers to create a learning environment where both students and teachers can thrive.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Bleach, Vol. 5: Right Arm of the Giant

Kubo, Tite. Bleach, Vol. 5: Right Arm of the Giant. 2005. 192p. ISBN 9781591164456. Available in the graphic novels section of the library

Bleach, Vol. 5: Right Arm of the Giant book cover

Ichigo's encounter with Ishida, in Bleach, Vol. 4 revealed that Soul Reapers were not the only ones who were out there hunting Hollows. Quincies, enemies of the Soul Reapers, also seek to fight Hollows, but unlike Soul Reapers, who hope to release the tortured soul for a peaceful eternity, Quincies aim to destroy those souls as corrupted and irrecuperable, and they don't care what the collateral damage is.

Ishida challenges Ichigo to a contest. He summons a horde of Hollows by spreading bait all over the city, and the one who defeats the most wins the contest. Ichigo finds he has no choice but to participate in this madness, since his friends and family are now likely to become victims of these Hollows.

Meanwhile, both Orihime and Chad have their own experiences with Hollows. Orihime can see them and tries to protect her friends. Chad cannot see them, but he develops a massive weapon on his right arm, which he puts to effective use with guidance from Ichigo's little sister against a Hollow determined to kill her friends....

The story continues in Bleach, Vol 6

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Orphaned Worlds

Cobley, Michael. Orphaned Worlds. Book 2 of the Humanity's Fire series. 2010. 480p. ISBN 9781841496337. 

Orphaned Worlds' book cover

The deployment of Brolturan troops on Darien in Seeds of Earth was followed by a stiffening resistance as the humans on the planet sought to defend their home against a ruthless invader. Greg Cameron finds himself the unlikely leader of the resistance defending against mech attacks and assaults from Brotulran troops. A Knight of the Legion of Avatars, an ancient sentient race that long ago merged with machines to transcend the bounds of flesh, reaches Darian and diverts control of a Sendrukan mech factory for its own nefarious purposes. Ambassador Robert Horst, who traveled through hyperspace to meet with the Construct and then on to request the Godhead's help, seeks to transport the Zyradin, an ancient ally of the Forerunners, back to Darien to shore up the defenses of the forest entity that protects the planet and its moon.

When religious fanatics destroy the Brotulran's flagship and land troops on Darien and its moon, the human warship is forced to withdraw. Meanwhile, a group of humans known as the Enhanced have been captured by another human, who serves the Spiral but has devious plans of her own in place. As AI takes control of the Brolturan positions and battle strategy, the Sendrukan ambassador is isolated in a shifting political situation. With forces gathering on Darien, the Legion's ancient evil seeks to escape from its prison deep in hyperspace. Will Catriona's transformation into Guardian thanks to the Zyradin help shift the balance of power?

Tuesday, January 7, 2025


Gardner, Jane P. Helium. Part of the Chemistry of Everyday Elements series. 2017. 64p. ISBN 9781422238417.

Helium book cover

Helium, a lightweight, inert noble gas, is widely used in various industries due to its unique properties as the second lightest element after hydrogen. Its low density, high thermal conductivity, and non-reactive nature make it ideal for a variety of applications.

In the field of medicine, helium is used in a technique called helium-oxygen therapy. This therapy involves breathing a mixture of helium and oxygen, which can improve lung function and reduce breathing difficulties in patients with respiratory conditions such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Helium's low density allows it to flow more easily through constricted airways, making it easier for patients to breathe.

Helium is also essential in many technological applications. Its low reactivity and high thermal conductivity make it an excellent coolant for superconducting magnets used in MRI machines and particle accelerators. Additionally, helium is used in leak detection, welding, and as a carrier gas in gas chromatography. In the aerospace industry, helium is used to pressurize and purge fuel tanks in rockets. Its low density and non-flammable nature make it a safe and efficient choice for this application.

Despite the fact that it continuously escapes into the atmosphere, helium remains one of the most important chemicals in our daily life!

Thursday, January 2, 2025

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Part 1: Phantom Blood, Vol 2

Akari, Hirohiko. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Part 1: Phantom Blood, Vol 2. 2015. 319p. ISBN 9781421578804. In the graphic novels section of the library.

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Part 1: Phantom Blood, Vol 2

At the end of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Part 1: Phantom Blood, Vol 1, Dio attempted to escape capture by putting on the stone mask, but he was shot several times after jumping through the window and falling to the ground. Presuming him to be dead, one of the police officers reveals he knew of Jonathan's father forgiving Dio's father for stealing his dead wife's ring, and adopting Dio to give him a chance.

But Dio is not dead, and as he raises, his wounds already healing, police officers fire their weapons, but are unable to stop Dio. An epic battle ensues, and Jonathan's incredible efforts and stamina thwart Dio's plans. Despite suffering multiple wounds, JoJo relentlessly pursues Dio through the Joestar manor, and he elaborates a trap that is ultimately successful in catching Dio and killing him.

With the manor in smoldering ruins, Speedwagon and his men take Jonathan to the hospital. Despite his wounds, Jonathan has survived the encounter with Dio, and he is reunited with his childhood love, who nurses him back to health. Under the manor, however, Dio has survived, and when someone comes to retrieve the stone mask, Dio emerges from the ruins and turns him into a zombie. Now a powerful vampire, Dio sets forth to accumulate loyal servants, acquiring Jack the Ripper as his first follower.

Having recuperated from his wounds, Jonathan meets Zippeli, a strange man who has mastered the art of breathing, allowing him to focus strength on specific points. Zippeli volunteers to train Jonathan, because he feels responsible for the stone mask ending up in Dio's hand. Jonathan is a fast learner, and he soon masters most of the techniques Zippeli showed him. On their way to a small town where Dio is rumored to be hiding, they are first confronted by Jack the Ripper, then by Dio himself, who's even more powerful than before!