Thursday, March 13, 2014

Through the Ever Night

Rossi, Veronica. Through the Ever Night. 2013. ISBN 978-0062072061. Available as an eBook from MA’s Overdrive.

Months have passed since Under the Never Sky, the last time Aria and Perry were together. But as the Aether storms threaten the tribe, Aria returns to the Tides with the mission of finding the Still Blue for Consul Hess, head of security for Revery. In exchange, Aria hopes to secure the release of Talon, Perry’s nephew.

Aria’s return splits the tribe in two as she is selected to be marked. As a new aud, Aria can hear better than most, and Perry agrees she would be better able to circulate on the outside if she bore the appropriate markings. An attempted poisoning leaves her weak, and Perry’s rash reaction splits the tribe in two.

With the Aether storms becoming fiercer, Perry faces a difficult choice. He cannot wait for the location of the Still Blue, but must move the tribe now. Maren’s appearance after his defeat at Delphi helps Perry to fix the caves by the water so that the tribe can use them as refuge.

At the same time, Aria and Roar made their way to see Sable, the Blood Lord of the neighboring tribe to whom Liv, Perry’s sister, was to wed. He is rumored to know the location of the Still Blue. Finally, Aria reconnects with Soren, the boy who attacked her at the beginning of the series and the reason she was banished in the first place.

With action and destruction at every turn, and with the death of a major character, readers will remain on edge as Aria and Perry attempt to negotiate this difficult new world at the same time as their responsibilities to their people threaten to undermine their love for one another.

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