Sunday, September 16, 2018

Travel Team

Lupica, Mike. Travel Team. 2004. 274p. ISBN 0-399-24150-7. Available at FIC LUP on the library shelves.

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Danny Walker only has one thing on his mind, and that is basketball. He lives and breathes the game, practising for hours outside his mom’s garage and playing whenever he can. Danny’s father, Ricky Walker, gained famed as the shortest basketball player to win a national tournament, and played on the first high school team to be broadcast on ESPN. Drafted in the first round by the Golden State Warriors, his career was ended when a car accident left him crippled. Now running the circuit of sports shows, Ricky rarely drops in his son’s life. Danny, however, can’t get enough and watches all of his father’s games on Youtube.

When the local travel team holds tryouts, Danny is excited to participate. His father first gained national attention when he played on this very team. Danny himself made the team last year, and fully expect to do so again this year. Unfortunately, Danny is the shortest player on the court, and this year the new coach has decided to go big. There is no room for Danny on the team, despite his obvious talent. Despondent, Danny is ready to give up on basketball. Ricky, who has returned for an extended visit, tells Danny that instead of feeling hurt, they should start their own travel team. Overnight, all of Danny’s friends are enrolled in this new team.

At first, this Bad News Bears team is simply horrible, with no coordination and no hope, despite a pool of talent. Slowly, however, under Ricky’s coaching, the team improves and begins to win. When Ricky is hurt in another car accident that leaves him unable to coach, it’s up to Danny to guide his team to victory, especially since they’re about to play his former travel team, the best team in the league. Will the many practices and games Danny and his friends performed pay off?

Fans of basketball will appreciate the excellent description of the games and will enjoy the shaping of Danny’s team into a contender. For a similar read about a middle school kid and his love of basketball, take a look at Bad Shot.

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