As humanity continued to ruin Earth, it became imperative to find other suitable planets where its exploding population could escape. Large space gates were built, and ships explored the galaxy. Other worlds were located, and though they could sustain life, none of them were like Earth. Until Genesis was discovered. A planet similar to Earth before it became overcrowded and polluted. Settlers came to Genesis, but as Earth sought to send more people, the various religious factions on Genesis united and declared the colony's independence. A brief but vicious war granted them freedom and thirty years of peace due to a blockade by Earth of the Genesis Gate. In the last two years, however, Earth has become increasingly hostile, sending armies of mechs, mechanized humans, to fight agains the low-tech Genesis forces.
At seventeen, Noemi Vidal has lost her family when their vehicle was destroyed hitting a mine. She spent her youth with her best friend, Ester. When Earth's military returned to the Genesis system, Noemi and Ester joined the defense forces. AS Earth slowly bleeds the Genesis military dry, increasingly desperate measures have been necessary. She has trained with others to perform the Masada run, a hopeless attempt to disable the Genesis Gate and prevent Earth from sending more forces to this system. This will not destroy the Gate, but it will provide valuable time for Genesis to rearm itself.
During a training exercise, Noemi and her fighter troops are ambushed by mechs. During the assault her friend Ester is critically injured, and Noemi is forced to drag her into one of the shipwrecks that litter the area of the Gate, hoping to save her life. On board the Daedalus, however, is a mech. Abel is an A1 mech, a unique model endowed not only with the information that all other 25 mech models possess, but also the unmatched ability to adapt, and his programming has evolved beyond its coding limitations. Abel was abandoned for thirty years when Dr. Mansfield, his creator and the owner of the Daedalus, had to flee his ship during an attack by Genesis soldiers.
Though on two opposite warring sides, both Abel and Noemi's best hopes to escape the loneliness that has plagued most of their lives. As they get to know each other, they realize that they can bring an end to this war between Genesis and Earth. The price may be the sacrifice of their lives, however. With the fate of the galaxy at hand, will they be willing to make the necessary deadly decisions?
A great science-fiction story, Defy the Stars is told in alternating chapters between Noemi and Abel's points of views. Fans of Illuminae will enjoy this thrilling story.
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