In A Great and Terrible Beauty, Gemma Doyle discovered that she is a priestess in the Order, a group of women who throughout history harnessed the magic of the realms and protected the world from outsiders. She and her friends traveled often to the realms, and that is where Pippa was ultimately lost. Gemma, Felicity and Ann agreed not to go back.
Now, however, things have changed. Gemma is plagued by the ghosts of three girls who appear almost angelic. They reveal a vision of themselves running on a beach with rocky cliff, with a fourth girl behind. Suddenly, a woman wearing a green cloak guides the fourth girl towards the water where a horrific aberration emerges from the water, ready to consume her. Gemma is certain it is Circe, formerly known as Sara, a student at Spence twenty four years ago. Gemma can't figure out what the ghosts are trying to tell her, but she knows this information could save her life.
At Spence, the girls are readying themselves for Christmas vacation. All of them, except Ann the scholarship student, are returning home to be with family. Gemma is eager to experience all that the season offers, from balls and large gatherings of folks hoping to be seen to operas and gift giving. But it will be bittersweet, the first Christmas without her mother, while her father continues to sink in his own pit of despair fueled by opium.
At the last minute, Felicity invites Ann to stay with her, and the three girls look forward to spending time together in London, away from their chaperones. The arrival of a new teacher, however, upends their plans. Miss McCleethy is here to replace Ms. Moore, who was terminated for leading the girls to the cave where they first discovered how to enter the realms, and she seems to have an unhealthy interest in Gemma. Before leaving, the three of them visit the realms, and Gemma notices that Pippa has not crossed over to the realm of the dead, but is instead lingering. She's happy to see her old friends, but Gemma notices that her condition seems to have deteriorated. Pippa makes them promise to return and tell her about their vacation in London.
At Victoria train station, Gemma's brother is late to pick her up, and she is followed intently by a member of the Rakshana. Attempting to escape him, she runs into a gentleman, Simon Middleton, who is both a viscount and a friend of her brother's. Gemma is quite smitten by him, and is thrilled that he invites her family to dinner. While in London, Gemma reconnects with Miss Moore, and she tells her more about their ordeal and the realm.
As Gemma and her friends keep traveling to the realms, they notice that things are getting worse. It is untended and growing wild. When Gemma shattered the seal that contained the magic, it released it and now it is corrupting everything. Gemma, Felicity and Ann must locate the Temple, where the magic can once again be safely contained, before Circe or her agents discover it. Who will pay the high price necessary to bring hope back to the realms?
Gemma and her friends from the Spence Academy return to the realms to defeat her foe, Circe, and to bind the magic that has been released.
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